Whoops, its been two years! Also I have an airplane now. A Mini-max!

Sooooo.  Sorry, zero readers who come here!  I will try to be more active now. But we’ll see. =)


I have not picked it up yet..  But soon!  This spring, ITman will be flying!

This is a Mini-Max 1030R  (I think)!  It is powered by a Kawasaki 440 2 Stroke, 2 Cylinder engine, feeding a 3 blade propeller through a reduction drive.

I have purchased it from a retired aircraft mechanic who never got a chance to fly it after  mostly building it.  So I aim to finish it up over the winter, get some lessons, and then be in the air by spring!  I will detail the build as it occurs here, as well as a few other places probably.

I have big plans for this baby!